Home & Gift
When you’re compiling an itinerary for your visit to the Matakana Coast, be sure to leave plenty of time for shopping, you will definitely not be going home empty handed. Find the perfect gift to treat yourself or a last minute kitchen tool for the bach in the outlet stores, beautiful homeware shops, book stores, gift shops and unique retailers are located right across the Matakana Coast region.
If you are looking for sustainable products and environmentally friendly purchases, you’ll find beeswax products, organic homewares and stunning gifts to suit your home and lifestyle.
Home & Gift
- All Categories
- Accommodation
- Backpackers & Hostels
- Bed & Breakfasts
- Holiday Homes & Vacation Rentals
- Holiday Parks & Camping
- Lodges & Retreats
- Motels
- Art & Design
- Attractions & Activities
- Events
- Feast
- Food & Drink
- Artisan & Specialty Producers
- Bars & Pubs
- Breweries & Distilleries
- Cafés & Restaurants
- Food Trucks & Takeaways
- Vineyards Cellar Doors
- Local Stories
- Markets
- Member Deals
- Plan
- Promo's
- Summer Is Calling
- Top Ten Places
- Services
- Community & Information Services
- Medical Services
- Professional Services
- Transport Services
- Shop
- Beauty, Health & Wellness
- Fashion & Jewellery
- Home & Gift
- Specialty Stores
- Tours
- Uncategorized
- Walking & Hiking
- Weddings
- Catering, Chefs & Cakes
- Celebrants, MCs & Planners
- Flowers & Event Styling
- Hair & Makeup
- Music & Entertainment
- Photography & Filming
- Pre-wedding Activities
- Venues & Accommodation
- Wedding Transport
All Tags
- All Tags
- 5 course dinner
- accommodation
- Activity
- adventure
- airport
- algies bay
- animals
- Art
- Artisan & Speciality Producers
- Attraction
- Auckland Arts Festival
- beach
- Beer
- boutique
- Breakfast
- breweries
- Bridal
- Building
- Celebrant
- celebration
- Ceremony
- champagne
- Chardonnay
- Cheese Tasting
- Chocolate
- Chocolaterie
- Cocktails
- Coffee
- Concert
- conference
- couples
- Culture
- Design
- Dine
- Dinner
- eco-tour
- Entertainment
- exercise
- experience
- face painting
- Family
- Feast
- Festival
- Film
- Fine dining
- Fish
- fitness
- Food
- friends
- fun
- Gallery
- Garden
- General
- Gifts
- gin
- Glamping
- Goat Island Marine Reserve
- Groups
- gym
- Health
- heritage
- History
- Ice cream
- kawau island
- Kitesurfing
- live music
- Live Show
- Local Producers
- Lunch
- Luxury
- mahurangi east
- mahurangi west
- maintanance
- Maori
- Marae
- marine reserve
- Markets
- matakana
- Mothers Day
- Motorhome
- Movies
- Music
- Organic
- Paddleboarding
- parties
- peaceful
- perfume
- picnic
- Pinot Noir
- Pizza
- pool
- Pottery
- Prints
- puhoi
- Qinw
- Quiet
- rejuvenate
- Relax
- Renovation
- Retreat
All Destinations
- All Destinations
- Leigh, Goat Island, Pakiri & Whangateau
- Mahurangi East, Snells Beach, Algies Bay and Scotts Landing
- Matakana
- Omaha & Point Wells
- Puhoi and Mahurangi West
- Sandspit & Kawau Island
- Tāwharanui
- Warkworth
- Wellsford, Te Hana and Te Arai